Friday, August 1, 2008



August, 2008

"Master" in economics and 'in touch' with reality:

He's gonna
"fix" the INFLATION by INFLATING your TIRES, increase domestic 'GAS' (all over the 57 ? States...) by pumping more 'AIR'..., will tune down NEW oil prices by an OLD 'tune up', will free
us from the grip of Arab oil if we just pay a visit to a mechanic of the


Obama: Change, change, ??? but (asides from changing my mind a few times
about any issue...) I won't tell you what change you are about
to "get". More on the Obama CULT...

"Sincere Compassion"

If there are no cameras around, he "can't" visit & comfort the wounded... among America's heroes, he'd rather CANCEL the visit and go on a treadmill and to a rock concert in Germany instead.

"Loving" America

According to Michelle she "can" start -- for once -- loving America granted ONLY IF Barack will make it, their "spiritual" leader, guidance for 20 years is an 'anti-white' racist conspiracy theorist.


'Proud African-American':

Not a word against genocide on black brothers in Africa by Arab racism & Islamic apartheid oppression (by radical Al-Bashir & his government, Janjaweed militias, all backed by the international most powerful lobby the Arab league)... or on slavery still 'alive' today in Arabia
and Mauritania..., more troublesome is of course the 'Jihad - slavery'.

'Proud American':

Obama the creep (the gist of his attitude): "Hey, Germans, French, we
have been so wrong, America has contributed nothing (???) to your current
success, my head's under your feet, am I doing OK? Will you please, please say I am OK? Can you guys guide me how to end world wars? We Americans are so stupid... we are such a failure, I am so ashamed to be an American, wanna be European now..., I mean... 'world citizen'


The only difference between Barack Obama Star and Michael Jackson Star is that Michael slept with minors in his bed, Barack slept with the devil (Jeremiah Wright, pro terror fascist) for 20 years!


Be sure to play the 'race card', better let [hint for] your campaign members to do that dirty work FOR you, then play the "innocent and wash your hands clean".

Foreign "policy" (and "knowledge")

AKA BaraCON Barack the con, the master in inner con-fusion & trying to con & confuse:

* We shouldn't have gone into Iraq, after all, asides from Bin Laden "no Jihadi Islamofascist wants to kill us" but we should have increased our troops there... hey! better, we
should bomb Nuclear Pakistan instead... and yes [admits] terrorists are 'at war with us' Islamists want to kill us and create a global repressive caliphate totalitarian regime.

* (2007) "we should start pulling from Iraq now, oh, wait, (June, 2008) I never said we should pull out..."

* On our dependency on foreign Arab oil:

Expertise: (June, July 2008) Drilling for oil won't make much of a difference... oops, Well,
(Aug. 1, 2008) we should start drilling for oil...

* Iran is a "small" but "big" country
not dangerous but very dangerous, yet it's "OK" to meet Iran's-Syria's thugs the: Hezbollah Jihadists = enemies of the 'great Satan - US'.

After all, global dangerous Hezbollah death squads "only" murder infidels or their own people in: Lebanon (Americans & Lebanese officials, ordinary civilians, especially Lebanese kids), Somalia, Afghanistan, (Americans or Sunni 'brothers' in) Iraq, Argentina (AMIA bombing), Israel... or supporting the Al-Bashir's genocide in Darfur, asides of course from it's long criminal dirty arms in Latin America.

* Obamapedia: Afghanistan's Afghani speak "Arabic".

* Appeaser: Though he says he'll defend Israel - doesn't clarify the real genocide danger it faces from 'Palestinian', Ahamdinejad, Hezbollah & from other Islamists [because of bigotry even long before it has been re-established], then again 'sucking up' in front of Arab Jordanians mumbles nonsense: "Israel should put terrorism in context" [Hello?],

* Once he says already something positive, he can't even manage to 'hold' it, he retracts it: Jerusalem should be exclusively Israel's Jewish undivided capital but then again, Jews & ["Palestinian" settlers] Muslims should make a "deal" about Jews' historic city.

* We should "talk" to our enemies (Jihad) but the Russians are the real enemies... [Huh?]

An Obama backgrounder:

Not one single truth has he told bout his background:

50 lies & counting...

Flip-flopping / Having it both ways:

In Obama-nation you can say yes today & no by tomorrow, Don't clarify yourself, be "smart", be sure to always leave room for "guessing" where Barack stands on any issue, from reparation to the war on global Islamic terror.

"Openness" & "honesty":

Never answer a question, never be straightforward, honest and open to the American people.


...Finally when pushed to the wall, he - in his devious evasiveness - will choose [how] to "answer" your question ahead of time, because he always "knows" what you are going to be asking."knows" he is a "Messiah", he doesn't "sweat" before people, he's "above" everybody else. he really thinks he is superman'...


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