Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Ugly Michelle Obama moment...

Another Ugly Michelle Obama moment...
Another Ugly Michelle Obama moment... lies through her teeth that she "didn't" see the 'Comparison to Paris Hilton ad' but then again she commented on it nevertheless.

August 7, 2008

On ABC's GMA (GoodMorningAmerica) Robin Roberts, who's another propagandist for Obama, interviews Michelle Obama.

Robin just "had" to throw that pitch in "Michelle is advocating for women that have relatives serving in Iraq", which is of course nothing but a political stunt, she only met with a few women so she can have a photo-up as a propaganda cheap "answer" to Barack's lowness of avoiding the wounded troops because there
weren't cameras available...

Already ahead of the interview, Robin described its main content as: How Michelle deals with the recent attacks on Barack", portraying Obama as a "poor" victim, that's the newest wave.

So she did ask Michelle about the McCain Ad Compares Obama To Britney, Michelle the fraud: "Frankly I haven't even seen the ad", but my response to it is...".

Excuse me? What an insult to the viewers, Does she really expect anyone to believe she didn't see it? What small box does she live in?

The next question was her reaction to the cartoon in the 'New Yorker' where she was seen as a militant, Michelle: "Again, I didn't pay much attention to it, because then I saw some positive portraying as well...", Oops! "again" means that you (still) didn't see the Obama' as a star as Paris Hilton ad'? or you
admit to have seen it but didn't pay much attention?

And Robin just swallowed this arrogant's low type of empty and basic untrue response.

The real truth that ever came out from this ego-maniac woman was in public of course, that she was NEVER proud of her country America, until Barack was promoted.

Notice how you can't avoid noticing Robin's tremendous effort till desperation how to portray disliked Michelle as "classic" & likeable when this person doesn't even have one iota of what a lady really

The interview in its entirety will be viewed on ABC's 'Nightline'.

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