Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain Ahead of Obama in Texas; 23 Percent Believe Obama Is Muslim ...

McCain Ahead of Obama in Texas; 23 Percent Believe Obama Is Muslim ...

News from the University of Texas at Austin, TX - 6 hours agoThe poll surveyed 550 registered voters in Texas Oct. 15-22, and had a margin of error of 4.2 percent. When asked to identify Obama's religion, ...

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Islamofascism's- 'Palestine's Khalidi tape with Obama

McCain Camp Demanding L.A. Times Release Obama-Khalidi Video

October 28, 2008 · Filed Under Barack Obama, Media

About six months ago the L.A. Times published a story about a dinner 5 years ago in Chicago to honor Rashid Khalidi. Khalidi is another one of Chicago’s famed ex-terrorists turned ‘respected scholar’. He’s known for his virulent anti-semitism and hatred for Israel, although as a former member of Yasser Arafat’s PLO, that’s certainly no surprise.

What’s also not surprising is that like the rest of Chicago’s high profile undesirables, Khalidi is a good friend of Barack Obama’s.

The L.A. Times story was about the going away party held for Khalidi as he was about to leave the Chicago area and take a job in New York.

According to the Times, a special tribute came during the dinner from Barack Obama. The article refers to Obama as “Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion” who stood and said a few words.

A special tribute came from Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.

His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.”

Suffice it to say that since his run for the presidency began, Obama hasn’t enjoyed any of Mona Khalidi’s cooking.

The article goes on to speculate that Obama has more sympathy for Palestinian grievances than he lets on. His presence at such dinners and other occasions where Jew bashing was taking place has led many in the Palestinian community to believe Obama has a sympathetic ear.

The reason a 6-month old article is being talked about now is because the L.A. Times acknowledges having videotape of the Khalidi dinner — but is refusing to release it.

The McCain campaign says the refusal to release a newsworthy video like that confirms their obvious bias.

“A major news organization is intentionally suppressing information that could provide a clearer link between Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi,” said McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb, citing Obama’s friendship with Khalidi, who is now a professor at Columbia University.

“The election is one week away, and it’s unfortunate that the press so obviously favors Barack Obama that this campaign must publicly request that the Los Angeles Times do its job — make information public,” he said.

It really does look pretty bad that the Times would refuse to release such a tape. I have a hard time believing if they had video of McCain attending a dinner for a Klansman they would be withholding it.

This really is par for the course when you look at the pathetic and despicable way the media has behaved throughout this campaign.

The Politico is even weighing in on the controversy and they too believe The L.A. Times should release the video.

Ben Smith from The Politico contacted the Times and their spokeswoman said this:

“When we reported on the tape six months ago, that was our full report,” she said, and asked, “Does Politico release unpublished information?”

Ben Smith answered in his column:

The answer to that question is yes — Politico and most news outlets constantly make available videos and documents, after describing them in part, which is why the Times’ decision not to release the video is puzzling. My instinct, and many reporters’, is to share as much source material as possible.

Critics have suggested that the Times is witholding the video for political reasons, but there are other possibilities: competitive reasons, or simply out of tradition. In the mechanics of reporting, there’s another possibility as well. The video may have been given to the paper on the condition it not be released, or releasing it could compromise its source.

But the Times hasn’t explained the move, and the McCain campaign is turning up the heat on a story that, whether or not the tape is released, is a reminder that some of Obama’s Hyde Park friends stand well to the left of his stated positions.

What this all boils down to is Barack Obama’s judgment in selecting friends. Since his college days, Barack Obama has chosen to associate with every Commie Pinko and left wing nut in Chicago and beyond.

Of course all these people were mere acquaintances — not really friends. Anyone who believes that is a sucker.

I don’t believe Barack Obama shares the same beliefs necessarily as Bill Ayres, but he clearly identifies with him in some way.

If Barack Obama went for a beer with friends after work in Chicago, people like Khalidi and Ayres would have been those friends. I certainly don’t hang around with a bunch of people I have nothing in common with, and I don’t know anyone who does.

Yet we’re supposed to believe that Obama palled around with every wackjob in Chicago, but doesn’t share any of their views? I don’t buy it.

If it was just a Bill Ayres or a Rashid Khalidi, or a Rev. Wright, or a Father Pfleger, or a Tony Rezko, that would be one thing. A lot of people have one crazy friend, so it wouldn’t really be an issue.

However, it’s the totality of friends that’s so damn troubling about Obama. Not one friend, but ALL his friends are radical far-left loons.

Nobody hangs around with that many Pinkos and has nothing in common with them.

The L.A. Times has a responsibility to release that tape and let the American people decide if it’s important or not.

-Chris Jones

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Barack Obama the Racist


Obama hates White People

Shocking Obama Racism Revealed

The Real Barack Hussein Obama - Racist abortion

THE AUDACITY OF HATE - Obama & Pastor Wright's Racist Church

18 Aug 2008 ... Is Barack Obama racist? Sure, he is. He has barely hidden contempt for whites generally and blacks who disagree with him receive scorn too. ...

14 October 2008
Obama shared the black racism of the Trinity United Church of Christ. ... - Barack Obama's Racist Church [7 Jan 2008]

[21 Mar 2008] Barack Obama called his grandmother a "typical white person" in a ... her in with his controversial pastor, whom she called a "racist bigot. ...

Michael Pfleger is Barack Obama Spiritual Mentor » Blue Star ... a racist former close friend.

Staunch Obama Supporter Farrakhan Says "Whites Descended From The Devil". ... Louis Farrakhan the leader of America's "Nation of Islam"...

Farrakhan: A 'new beginning' for Nation of Islam 20 Oct 2008 ... The Nation of Islam has taught that whites are descended from the devil and that blacks are the chosen people of Allah. ...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obsession on Youtube in 10 Parts

Obession - 10 parts on YouTube

Osession part 1

Osession part 2

Osession part 3

Osession part 4

Osession part 5

Osession part 6

Osession part 7

Osession part 8

Osession part 9

Osession part 10

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Islamic lobby, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More OBAMA FRAUD -The donors fraud Obama’s donor credit card fraud problem

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Jihadist Vote

The Jihadist Vote

posted by hd at EuropeNews

Last week, Barack Obama's campaign was burned yet again for its dalliance with Islamists – those who embrace Islam's repressive theo-political-legal code known as Shariah and who are working for its triumph in the West in general and the United States in particular. The episode is but the latest indication that the Democrat candidate hopes to win the White House by relying, in part, on the Jihadist vote.

NBC reported on Thursday that the Obama campaign's latest radical "Muslim outreach coordinator," Mouha Husaini, met last month in one of Washington's Northern Virginia suburbs – the heart of what has been dubbed the "Wahhabi Corridor" – with her predecessor, Mazen Asbahi (who had to resign this summer due to his own associations with Shariah). Even more problematic was the presence at the Springfield event of two prominent Muslim Brotherhood operatives: Mahdi Bray of the Muslim American Society (MAS) and Nihad Awad of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR).


Monday, October 6, 2008

Barack Obama & radical Arab Muslim DIRTY MONEY

Barack Obama & radical Arab Muslim DIRTY MONEY

Barack Obama & Khalid Al-Mansour

Percy Sutton (Malcom X's Lawyer) Says Barack Obama Knows And Was Financed By The Racist Radical Muslim And Saudi Advisor Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can Mccain use the 'no time for a novice' line on Novice Obama?

Can Mccain use the 'no time for a novice' line on Novice Obama?

GB's Gordon Brown said there is no time for a novice (in these difficult times).

BBC NEWS | Politics | No time for a novice, says Brown

Can Mccain use it regarding 'novice' Obama?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You Must Watch Obsession Because CAIR Doesn't Want You To Know The Truth About Radical Islam

Topics: Understanding Islam

Via Dan Riehl, I see that CAIR is once again "Outraged" - this time in Fla - and they want to shut down the distribution of copies of the movie, Obsession, being distributed in newspapers there. Apparently a few politically correct, highly ill informed, naive papers have refused to include the insert including one in North Carolina. Dan has the links to two videos to YouTube by CAIRtv in which the also obviously politically correct, highly ill-informed, naive newscasters play right into the hands of the Muslim activist group (with a highly dangerous agenda for America) and with proven ties to terrorists.

Dan has posted on the campaign and has done a review of Obsession here.

Now given that CAIR doesn't want you to see the movie and just in case you haven't received a free copy or somehow have failed to see it by now, please watch this 6 part youtube FoxNews film which Lionheart suggests is one of the best and most informative films you will see on the threat we in the civilized World face in relation to Islam's Holy War against us (HT - Lionheart for posting the links to all six parts at YouTube): Fox News:The Threat of Radical Islam (Parts 1 - 6). I was fortunate enough to watch the entire Fox News special at the time of its airing and enjoyed every minute of it. And, of course, E.D. Hill as the announcer, made it all the more effective.

Part 1 - Obsession

Part 2 - Obsession

Part 3 - Obsession

Part 4 - Obsession

Part 5 - Obsession

Part 6 - Obsession

Website: Radical Islam's War against the West

Current related:

Middle East professor says controversial Obsession movie "straightforward" (Via Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch):

Always refreshing to see a member of that bastion of Islamic apologetics -- academia -- actually being objective. More on this story. "Swift dispute, radical Muslims DVD flare scrutiny of Islam," by Chris Casey for the Tribune, September 21:

James Lindsay, an associate professor of Middle Eastern history at CSU, takes an opposite view on "Obsession." He believes it's a straightforward look at radical Islam.

He said the producers are explicit that film is about the radical ideology within Islam, which is advanced by the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida and other groups. The film's introduction states that most Muslims are peaceful and don't support terror.

The militant Islamic branch -- which the film says makes up about 10 percent to 15 percent of a worldwide Muslim population of 1.2 billion, the world's second-largest religion behind Christianity -- has a conquest ideology, Lindsay said.

"It's one of subjugating the world to their ideology. There is not room for another ideology, according to the radical Muslim ideology, and it's frightening," he said. "But it's part and parcel of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the al-Qaida types that they want to impose their will on everyone."[...]

Lindsay, the CSU professor, said the Muslims who flew the airplanes into the Twin Towers felt they were doing God's work.

Muslims who say "jihad" means the struggle for personal betterment aren't giving the full picture of what's written in the classical text, he said. Rather, the text says the Islamic practitioner is preparing himself to be a better warrior.

"The idea of the jihad as laid out by extremists is one of the doctrines within the Quran itself," Lindsay said. "It's a fundamental tenet of Islamic religion and it has been in Islamic history -- engaging in warfare against the enemies of Islam."

Conflicts between the West and Islam are inevitable, Lindsay said, because the demands of Islamic law are in conflict with the West's approach to law and religion. The Quran speaks of creating a society that's obedient to God's law, not obedient to men's model, he said.

Lindsay believes the way to deal with Muslim immigrants -- as in the case of the JBS Swift workers -- is to explain how employment rules and policies operate in the United States. "I have no desire to make any accommodations to Islamic law, and that's my opinion."

Other current related: 15-year-old female would-be suicide bomber tells her story

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MSNBC Bombs in Blogosphere

MSNBC Bombs in (libs) Blogosphere

Washington Post - ‎ 5 hours ago ‎
By Howard Kurtz The decision by MSNBC to yank Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor duty during live political events did not exactly send a thrill up the leg of liberal bloggers. A number of them denounced the cable channel yesterday for ..." class="usg-AFQjCNFzewtCCCIq1210j5irDUlecqHPUA

Monday, September 8, 2008

'Keep Islamic Hope Alive !' - Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory

Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory

newsmax ^ Sep. 08 09
Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory Iran’s leadership has expressed “great pleasure” at the prospect of a Barack Obama victory in November, according to Menashe Amir, the Iranian-born head of Radio Israel’s Persian language service. But Iranian President Ahmadinejad has said he doubts that the American establishment “will allow” Obama to win. “One of the Iranian religious leaders said if Obama will enter the White House, then Islam will conquer the heart of the American nation,” Amir told
Technorati -

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Resume Of A Terrorist: Obama's Buddy Ayers

Resume Of A Terrorist: Obama's Buddy Ayers
by Jim Kouri

Sep 2, 2008

While the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC,
NBC, CBS, CNN and other news organizations have their reporters digging for dirt
on Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's choice for vice president, their
savior-in-waiting Barack Obama is getting a free ride at the expense of truth.

It's no secret that the denizens of America's newsrooms want Obama
sitting in the Oval Office, but Americans are being purposely duped by the
Democrat National Committee's volunteer publicists, formerly known as the
mainstream news media.

If it weren't for talk radio and the blogosphere,
even what is known about Obama and his friend, former Weather Underground
domestic terrorist and leader William Ayers, would only be a paragraph or two in
the backpages of most newspapers, or a sentence or two on most TV and radio news

On Friday night, one of America's top talk show hosts -- who
happens to be an attorney and worked in the Reagan Justice Department as chief
of staff -- recited a list of terrorist acts that would elicit envy from Osama
bin Laden. Mark Levin had his listeners glued to their radios or PCs as he read
the resume of a man who should be serving life in prison instead of enjoying a
tenured professorship at a major university and entertaining a possible US
President in his home.

Because of so-called "prosecutorial misconduct"
Ayers escaped what could have been a life-sentence.

As I write this
"resume of a terrorist," I find it difficult to understand how a man who is
running for president of the United States would even know someone as
anti-American and destructive as William Ayers. Plus, Ayers, his wife and their
comrades at the Weather Underground are cop-killers. And Obama doesn't just know
him personally -- he's a close friend with Ayers.

Here is the "resume"
of an American terrorist:

7 October 1969 – Bombing of Haymarket Police
Statue in Chicago, apparently as a "kickoff" for the "Days of Rage" riots in the
city October 8-11, 1969. The Weathermen later claimed credit for the bombing in
their book, "Prairie Fire."

8-11 October 1969 – The "Days of Rage" riots
occur in Chicago in which 287 Weatherman members from throughout the country
were arrested and a large amount of property damage was done.

6 December
1969 – Bombing of several Chicago Police cars parked in a precinct parking lot
at 3600 North Halsted Street, Chicago. The WUO stated in their book "Prairie
Fire" that they had did the explosion.

27-31 December 1969 – Weathermen
hold a "War Council" meeting in Flint, MI, where they finalize their plans to
submerge into an underground status from which they plan to commit strategic
acts of sabotage against the government. Thereafter they are called the "Weather
Underground Organization" (WUO).

13 February 1970 - Bombing of several
police vehicles of the Berkeley, California, Police Department .

16 February 1970 – Bombing of Golden Gate Park branch of the San Francisco Police
Department, killing one officer and injuring a number of other policemen.

6 March 1970 – Bombing in the 13th Police District of the Detroit,
Michigan. 34 sticks of dynamite are discovered. During February and early March,
1970, members of the WUO, led by Bill Ayers, are reported to be in Detroit,
during that period, for the purpose of bombing a police facility.

6 March 1970 – "bomb factory" located in New York's Greenwich Village accidentally
explodes. WUO members die . The bomb was intended to be planted at a
non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed
Technorati -

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh, Behold the "gentle critics" of the left...

Oh, Behold the "gentle critics" of the left...

Obama deals gently with Palin on equal pay issue

Critics: Palin used 'Bridge...

Can anyone at the MSM Yahoo-AP crowd explain to me how come anti-right-leftists are plain "critics" [were it reversed they would call the critics specifically in an identity: "right wingers" or Republicans... or Mccain supporters) and why they go so "gently" with Obama that is never gentle?

Technorati -

Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Obama Cartoon from the Times

An Obama Cartoon from the Times

Typical Arab Muslim bigot writes: "Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama"

Typical Arab Muslim bigot writes: "Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama"

Oh no, I think we are going to shed tears...

Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama

One of the most typical points were of course Obama's pledge to defend Israel against Islamic genocide the Arab writer calls it a move against "peace", when Arab Muslim "peace" (of course) means the usual, more massacres. Don't you love it when these warriors utter the "peace" word?
Technorati -

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama unfit for president

Obama unfit for president

Pastor Rick Warren had back-to-back interviews with Barack Obama and John McCain at the Saddleback Faith Forum. The answers illustrated the differences between the two.

When asked about the existence of evil and what to do about it, Obama acknowledged the existence of evil and the necessity to oppose it. Then he did what most liberals do, unequivocally equated America itself with evil: “You know a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the claim that we were trying to confront evil: ... You know, just because we think our intentions are good doesn’t mean that we’re going to be doing good.”

McCain’s response was simple and direct on the problem of evil: “Defeat it.”

Obama’s response illustrates the liberal premise that America is evil and, therefore, has no gravitas or right to fight evil elsewhere.

Obama simply cannot acknowledge that there is a vast difference between the Osama bin Ladens and the Ayman al-Zawahiris of the world and us. Instead, he effectively erects a facade of moral equivalence between Islamofascism and our attempt to defeat it.

That is just one reason (out of many) as to why Obama is not fit to be president.

James C. Zoes
Technorati -

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives (Obama friend, William Ayers - 9-11-2001)

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives (Obama friend, William Ayers - 9-11-2001)

NYTimes ^ 9-11-01 Dinitia Smith

In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen
''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.
The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement.

Now he has written a book, ''Fugitive Days'' (Beacon Press, September). Mr. Ayers, who is 56, calls it a memoir, somewhat coyly perhaps, since he also says some of it is fiction.
He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972.

But Mr. Ayers also seems to want to have it both ways, taking responsibility for daring acts in his youth, then deflecting it.

''Is this, then, the truth?,'' he writes. ''Not exactly. Although it feels entirely honest to me.''

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


See also:
So Who Is This Bill Ayers?? -


Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers

'Fact Checker'

Chicago Police photos of William Ayers in 1968

"William Ayers, in the age of terrorism, will be Barack Obama's Willie Horton."

Technorati -