Monday, August 11, 2008

Where your tax money goes - to Liberal BS PBS - Clean up the 20% garbage at the PBS!

Where your tax money goes - to Liberal BS PBS
(August, 2008)

Clean up the 20% garbage at the PBS! Do not mix them with the majority of 'good programming', the "news" and current "editorial"
parts are totally unprofessional!

The PBS & NPR problem of having one sided biased agenda whenever reporting or editorializing news and current

PBS says it's "independent", Huh?

PBS has a banner about 'Vote 2008' that describes itself as "independent".


Can anyone come up with an explanation why the next 2 "documentaries" had
to be aired just so close to the elections?

1) Last weekend [beginning of August 2008], liberal Bill Moyers was busy in
his [Frontline] program on Reed's scandalous past (with Abramov), where at the
end of it he makes sure to finish off with a "warning" line that : Jack Reed is
sponsoring a John Mccain weekend, Is that an important of the 'Frontline'
"objective" documentary? or is it blatant anti-Mccain propaganda?

2) After above Bill Moyers 'Frontline' PBS had another anti Republican
bombshell, a film called "Bush's War", I couldn't see all of it but at least two
A: Each time there's a difference of opinion and two sides of the
coins are being brought up, the narrator "picks" the one he chooses to be the
"decisive" line.
B: When he comes to the pivotal points in the Iraq violence
he chooses the words: "resistance", never the suitable 'terrorists' (or
other) term of thugs' crimes against humanity, that are targeting unarmed men,
women & children, this attempt to make these low life criminals look like
some "political" movements, is not only dis-reporting but despicable effort of
butchers'-ass-licking, of the lowest of its kind.

Again, you can't help but wonder why these damning films where
aired so soon to the elections if not the obvious to make people nauseous
of the Republican party.


On Sunday [August 10, 2008] the same Bill Moyers on his 'Frontline' he made
the issue brought up by Newsweek about the 'poverty business', the phenomenon
that people find to make money of off poverty and off the poor.
A great
matter and case you might say, yes, until he starts to project his left bias, as
he has his guests over that start complaining about [the Democrats and] Obama's
failure in the economy, Bill Moyers tries to shift the atmosphere to bash Mccain
instead, after making sure the guests are brought to the wind of
anti-Republicans he (feels assured enough so) he then shows a clip (by Foxnews)
of Newt Gingrich that he projects that within announcement of drilling (Drill
here, drill now) the gas prices will automatically fall, as speculators of the
oil stocks would be effected by it.

[Immediately, there's a banner on the bottom with the words "The oil drilling debate", How did the case against making profiting off of
poverty get altered?]

Bill asks the guest Dean Baker (of "CEPR") if
that's true, Mr. Becker answers that the projective oil we will be able to "get"
is small, whether this is accurate or not is not the issue but, still he hasn't
answered the point raised by Mr. Gingrich which is that psychologically, the gas
price will fall down as soon as news of drilling gets the 'go ahead'.

Of course one sided Bill Moyers didn't repeat and refocused the question,
he doesn't want to hear the true answer, much less, he doesn't want the American
people to hear the truth, that's PBS - BS for you.

Truth is that gas prices already started to go down because of Mccain
pro-drilling and influencing Obama to agree partially to it.

The truth is that the control of our money to PBS by one small group [when
it comes to "news" and "editorials", too bad they mix it in
with good programming, that makes it all even more venomous]
of radical
lefty "intellectuals" has been so unfair and so unjust for far too

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