The Litmus test of NPR's intelligence...
On August 18, 2008, Jonathan Capehart sitting in for Leonard Lopate Show - WNYC , (212 433 9292) [NPR's outlet in NY] interviewed in the last part of of the first hour Liz from 'The Daily News', first Liz brushed off any doubts if NY Yorkers are behind Hillary, "everybody is for NY" - she "decided", yet, Jonathan in his desperation and worry that Mccain might win NY (NPR is independent" of course...), asked her "but... there's no chance Mccain can win NY, Right?" Liz was "struggling" with Obama's loss from 20% to 10% then tried to spin about it suddenly she came up with a most stupid answer: "Mccain doesn't even have an office here... his headquarters is based in NJ"... oh boy, is she that silly that she believes people don't notice the childish "reasoning" of it? How far really is NJ from NY? NYC almost borders with NJ!
It's almost like saying, Richardson VS. Dallas TX, La Jolla VS San Diego CA, Palo Alto VS San Jose CA, Fort Lauderdale VS Miami FL, Skokie VS Chicago IL, etc.
Even though they are two separate states, it's more like Cincinnati OH VS Louisville KY.
For Jonathan it was "enough", he was not only satisfied but so happy, thus ended the interview.
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism 'palestinians' Israel IDF 'palestinian' Apartheid Zionism Anti Israel bigotry Islamic Apartheid War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Jews IDF Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict
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