Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh, Behold the "gentle critics" of the left...

Oh, Behold the "gentle critics" of the left...

Obama deals gently with Palin on equal pay issue

Critics: Palin used 'Bridge...

Can anyone at the MSM Yahoo-AP crowd explain to me how come anti-right-leftists are plain "critics" [were it reversed they would call the critics specifically in an identity: "right wingers" or Republicans... or Mccain supporters) and why they go so "gently" with Obama that is never gentle?

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Obama Cartoon from the Times

An Obama Cartoon from the Times

Typical Arab Muslim bigot writes: "Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama"

Typical Arab Muslim bigot writes: "Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama"

Oh no, I think we are going to shed tears...

Why Arab/Muslim Americans should not vote for Obama

One of the most typical points were of course Obama's pledge to defend Israel against Islamic genocide the Arab writer calls it a move against "peace", when Arab Muslim "peace" (of course) means the usual, more massacres. Don't you love it when these warriors utter the "peace" word?
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama unfit for president

Obama unfit for president

Pastor Rick Warren had back-to-back interviews with Barack Obama and John McCain at the Saddleback Faith Forum. The answers illustrated the differences between the two.

When asked about the existence of evil and what to do about it, Obama acknowledged the existence of evil and the necessity to oppose it. Then he did what most liberals do, unequivocally equated America itself with evil: “You know a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the claim that we were trying to confront evil: ... You know, just because we think our intentions are good doesn’t mean that we’re going to be doing good.”

McCain’s response was simple and direct on the problem of evil: “Defeat it.”

Obama’s response illustrates the liberal premise that America is evil and, therefore, has no gravitas or right to fight evil elsewhere.

Obama simply cannot acknowledge that there is a vast difference between the Osama bin Ladens and the Ayman al-Zawahiris of the world and us. Instead, he effectively erects a facade of moral equivalence between Islamofascism and our attempt to defeat it.

That is just one reason (out of many) as to why Obama is not fit to be president.

James C. Zoes
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No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives (Obama friend, William Ayers - 9-11-2001)

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives (Obama friend, William Ayers - 9-11-2001)

NYTimes ^ 9-11-01 Dinitia Smith

In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen
''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.
The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement.

Now he has written a book, ''Fugitive Days'' (Beacon Press, September). Mr. Ayers, who is 56, calls it a memoir, somewhat coyly perhaps, since he also says some of it is fiction.
He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972.

But Mr. Ayers also seems to want to have it both ways, taking responsibility for daring acts in his youth, then deflecting it.

''Is this, then, the truth?,'' he writes. ''Not exactly. Although it feels entirely honest to me.''

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


See also:
So Who Is This Bill Ayers?? -


Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers

'Fact Checker'

Chicago Police photos of William Ayers in 1968

"William Ayers, in the age of terrorism, will be Barack Obama's Willie Horton."

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How many Nation of Islam [fascists] members will work in Obama's White House

January 30, 2008

EXCLUSIVE - Obama's Nation of Islam Staffers, Edward Said & "Inflexible Jews" Causing Mid-East Conflict: An Obama Insider Reveals the Real Barack

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By Debbie Schlussel - Copyright 2008

**** EXCLUSIVE: Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and/or ****

Responding to criticism by Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, Barack Obama declared his strong opposition to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan:

I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan.

Obama also went on to condemn his Church's award to Farrakhan and his minister's tight relationship with him.

But a former Obama insider says that Obama's sudden aversion to NOI and Farrakhan is belied by the fact that Obama employed and continues to employ several Farrakhan acolytes in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs. I have verified that this person--who agreed to talk on the condition of anonymity--held a key position in the Obama campaign. The insider was so close to Senator Obama that they frequently personally discussed and exchanged direct e-mail messages on campaign and policy matters. This person is not connected with the Clintons and is not a disgruntled employee.



Barack Hussein & Michelle Obama with Palestinian Activist, PLO/Arafat Advisor Edward Said @ Arab Fundraiser

(Photos From Electronic Intifada)

The insider says he frequently objected to Mr. Obama's placement of Cynthia K. Miller, a member of the Nation of Islam, as the Treasurer of his U.S. Senate campaign. When I contacted Miller, now a Chicago real estate agent, to verify whether she was a member of the Nation of Islam and whether she shared Louis Farrakhan's bigoted views about Jews, she responded, "None of your business! Where are you going with this?" She said her resignation as Obama's treasurer had nothing to do with her Nation of Islam ties. Then, she hung up.

The Obama insider says he also objected to Obama's involvement with Jennifer Mason, whom he says is also a member of the Nation of Islam. Mason is Obama's Director of Constituent Services in his U.S. Senate office and is also in charge of selecting Obama's Senate interns. She did not respond to repeated calls for comment.

But it's not just that he employed these individuals in positions of power in his office, it's that when the former associate raised objections, he says Mr. Obama's position was that he saw nothing wrong with the Nation of Islam and didn't think it was a problem. If true--and the fact that Ms. Mason still holds her prominent Obama Senate staff position bears that out--Obama's condemnation of Farrakhan, this month, is phony.

But the insider says there is more to it than that. Obama's Illinois State Senate district consisted of prime Nation of Islam territory, including Hyde Park, home to Farrakhan's mansion. It is not possible, Illinois politicos say, to win that district without the blessing of the NOI leader. NOI members, including consultant Shakir Muhammad, held important roles in the Obama state senate campaign.

How many Nation of Islam members will work in an Obama White House?

Then, there is the issue of Israel. When Obama first ran for the U.S. Senate, he gave militant responses to the Chicago Jewish News about Israel. Obama denounced Israel's fence--which he called a "wall" and "barrier to peace"--to keep out terrorists and favored working with Yasser Arafat. When members of the Chicago Jewish community circulated his responses, Obama said that the answers were not his positions, but the work of a low-level intern. He submitted new answers. But that was a lie, the insider says. In fact, they were the work of Obama's Policy Director, Audra Wilson. Moreover, Obama told the insider that he blamed the Mideast conflict on the Jews:

Barack told me that he felt that Jewish community was too inflexible, and that was why the situation in the Mideast could not be resolved.

This is the man who says in a new campaign ad that Hillary Clinton will say anything but change nothing. Barack Obama will say anything, but change his answers.

Palestinian activist and Islamist Ali Abunimah, who was a close friend of Obama's, attended an Arab fundraiser at which the late Edward Said--plagiarist, fabricator, and prominent PLO/Arafat advisor--was the keynote speaker, and at which the Obamas were notably in attendance. Pictures on Abunimah's site, posted above, show Obama and wife, Michelle, sitting next to Said and engaging in conversation. Abunimah, in a must-read article, says the Senator has since "changed" his proclaimed views from those he expressed privately, in order to get Jewish donors and votes.

And he has succeeded in spades. Lee Rosenberg a top Illinois official of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby is a big Obama donor. Ditto for former national AIPAC official Bob Asher. And Penny Pritzker of the pro-Israel family that owns Hyatt hotels. And there are so many others who have bought in to Obama's newly pro-Israel views. The insider says Obama pulled the wool over their eyes.

Then, there's Bettylu Saltzman, also Jewish and one of Obama's first major supporters and donors. She is a major Peace Now devotee, officer of the far-left, pro-capitulation New Israel Fund, and wrote a letter to a Chicago newspaper praising Jimmy Carter's book calling Israel an apartheid state. The Obama insider says she has Obama's ear on the Mideast and "will be a major policy person for Barack. Very dangerous."

The insider points to Mr. Obama's changing views in Iraq as another area of uncertainty. He has highlighted his opposition to the War in Iraq. The insider says there is strong speculation that Obama attempted to get his crony, Federal Indictee Tony Rezko, a contract to build a nuclear power plant in the new Iraq. Rezko, a Syrian Arab who helped Obama in a deal to purchase his home, was in a partnership with NOI founder Elijah Muhammad's son, Jabir.

Barack Obama can denounce Louis Farrakhan ad infinitum. But with supporters like Ms. Saltzman, high-level staffers who are Nation of Islam members, and constantly morphing views on Israel merely for donor appeal, a Barack Obama White House bodes poorly both for Israel and--far more important--for America.

Posted by Debbie at January 30, 2008 10:07 AM

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008



The Litmus test of NPR's intelligence...

On August 18, 2008, Jonathan Capehart sitting in for Leonard Lopate Show - WNYC , (212 433 9292) [NPR's outlet in NY] interviewed in the last part of of the first hour Liz from 'The Daily News', first Liz brushed off any doubts if NY Yorkers are behind Hillary, "everybody is for NY" - she "decided", yet, Jonathan in his desperation and worry that Mccain might win NY (NPR is independent" of course...), asked her "but... there's no chance Mccain can win NY, Right?" Liz was "struggling" with Obama's loss from 20% to 10% then tried to spin about it suddenly she came up with a most stupid answer: "Mccain doesn't even have an office here... his headquarters is based in NJ"... oh boy, is she that silly that she believes people don't notice the childish "reasoning" of it? How far really is NJ from NY? NYC almost borders with NJ!

It's almost like saying, Richardson VS. Dallas TX, La Jolla VS San Diego CA, Palo Alto VS San Jose CA, Fort Lauderdale VS Miami FL, Skokie VS Chicago IL, etc.
Even though they are two separate states, it's more like Cincinnati OH VS Louisville KY.

For Jonathan it was "enough", he was not only satisfied but so happy, thus ended the interview.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Infamous Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan 'warning' for America if Obama loses...

Infamous Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan 'warning' for America if Obama loses...

Obama The Danger! ^

Nation Of Islam's Lois Farrakhan on the radio [WPAT AM] August 17 2008 [around 5:39 PM]: "If Obama loses fair and square OK, but if not... there will be some consequences..."

1) Will Farrakhan ever say that it was fair and square?

2) What does he mean by consequences, Is he calling for a violent bloody riot (again)?

While his past/present hatred is really troubling, even though he became more sophisticated in his language, yet, I am glad that through his tremendous efforts to hide his venom he is still so transparent when he always talks about "them" & "they", he includes in the "they" - the enemy: Policemen, just white folks, business, etc.,


Leader of the Nation of Islam

Orchestrated the 1995 "Million Man March"

Renowned for his hatred of whites and Jews

Farrakhan Exposed!
The Truth About America's Islamic Leader...
Recently America's Islamic leader Louis Farrakhan made the insane statement that the reason so many people died in New Orleans was because the flooding was a deliberate plot by the White man to kill Black people

Funding Islamic hate... re: -- Farrakhan and his hate is typical of
mainstream Arabic Islam.

Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan Take On Whitey

For nearly 30 years, Louis Farrakhan has marked himself a notable figure on the extremist scene by making hateful statements targeting Jews, whites...

LOUIS FARRAKHAN CONDEMNS AMERICA AND THE JEWSOn Tour, ADL Reports an 'Itinerary of Hate' Minister Farrakhan announced in ... the Sudan has become a launching pad for Islamic extremist terrorism. ...

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Friday, August 15, 2008



August 11, 2008

What is it about the bad guys that provoke "compassion" from NPR type of journalists?

Regarding the case against Bin Laden's driver: Salim Hamdan, though only having a short time to serve under the current verdict, he still might be held indefinitely according the Bush's administration as an 'enemy combatant', John Mcchesni of NPR 'lamented' that the jury will be very disappointed if that happens.

Juror Questions U.S. Pursuit Of Salim Hamdan : NPR's John McChesney has this exclusive interview ...

Rhetorical question, Does Mr. Michesni think that these type of Bin Laden associates are innocent? or harmless or would spare him, given the chance?

Do NPR journalists receive a course of "singing it in a phony compassion mode" for those that do not deserve it?

Just like the infamous biased NPR "sing" it on those "poor" 'Palestinian' violent thugs, when Israel dares to defend itself against Islamists who seek only to carry out more massacres., - find
your local National Palestinian Radio Station.

Again, it's the same Islamists ideologists that would have any westerner to
'kneel or die', 'Convert or die', just as they did with the Steve Centanni Wiig,,2933,210767,00.html

Or: Christian woman 'forced to convert to Islam' by Palestinians

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Where your tax money goes - to Liberal BS PBS - Clean up the 20% garbage at the PBS!

Where your tax money goes - to Liberal BS PBS
(August, 2008)

Clean up the 20% garbage at the PBS! Do not mix them with the majority of 'good programming', the "news" and current "editorial"
parts are totally unprofessional!

The PBS & NPR problem of having one sided biased agenda whenever reporting or editorializing news and current

PBS says it's "independent", Huh?

PBS has a banner about 'Vote 2008' that describes itself as "independent".


Can anyone come up with an explanation why the next 2 "documentaries" had
to be aired just so close to the elections?

1) Last weekend [beginning of August 2008], liberal Bill Moyers was busy in
his [Frontline] program on Reed's scandalous past (with Abramov), where at the
end of it he makes sure to finish off with a "warning" line that : Jack Reed is
sponsoring a John Mccain weekend, Is that an important of the 'Frontline'
"objective" documentary? or is it blatant anti-Mccain propaganda?

2) After above Bill Moyers 'Frontline' PBS had another anti Republican
bombshell, a film called "Bush's War", I couldn't see all of it but at least two
A: Each time there's a difference of opinion and two sides of the
coins are being brought up, the narrator "picks" the one he chooses to be the
"decisive" line.
B: When he comes to the pivotal points in the Iraq violence
he chooses the words: "resistance", never the suitable 'terrorists' (or
other) term of thugs' crimes against humanity, that are targeting unarmed men,
women & children, this attempt to make these low life criminals look like
some "political" movements, is not only dis-reporting but despicable effort of
butchers'-ass-licking, of the lowest of its kind.

Again, you can't help but wonder why these damning films where
aired so soon to the elections if not the obvious to make people nauseous
of the Republican party.


On Sunday [August 10, 2008] the same Bill Moyers on his 'Frontline' he made
the issue brought up by Newsweek about the 'poverty business', the phenomenon
that people find to make money of off poverty and off the poor.
A great
matter and case you might say, yes, until he starts to project his left bias, as
he has his guests over that start complaining about [the Democrats and] Obama's
failure in the economy, Bill Moyers tries to shift the atmosphere to bash Mccain
instead, after making sure the guests are brought to the wind of
anti-Republicans he (feels assured enough so) he then shows a clip (by Foxnews)
of Newt Gingrich that he projects that within announcement of drilling (Drill
here, drill now) the gas prices will automatically fall, as speculators of the
oil stocks would be effected by it.

[Immediately, there's a banner on the bottom with the words "The oil drilling debate", How did the case against making profiting off of
poverty get altered?]

Bill asks the guest Dean Baker (of "CEPR") if
that's true, Mr. Becker answers that the projective oil we will be able to "get"
is small, whether this is accurate or not is not the issue but, still he hasn't
answered the point raised by Mr. Gingrich which is that psychologically, the gas
price will fall down as soon as news of drilling gets the 'go ahead'.

Of course one sided Bill Moyers didn't repeat and refocused the question,
he doesn't want to hear the true answer, much less, he doesn't want the American
people to hear the truth, that's PBS - BS for you.

Truth is that gas prices already started to go down because of Mccain
pro-drilling and influencing Obama to agree partially to it.

The truth is that the control of our money to PBS by one small group [when
it comes to "news" and "editorials", too bad they mix it in
with good programming, that makes it all even more venomous]
of radical
lefty "intellectuals" has been so unfair and so unjust for far too

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