Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can Mccain use the 'no time for a novice' line on Novice Obama?

Can Mccain use the 'no time for a novice' line on Novice Obama?

GB's Gordon Brown said there is no time for a novice (in these difficult times).

BBC NEWS | Politics | No time for a novice, says Brown

Can Mccain use it regarding 'novice' Obama?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You Must Watch Obsession Because CAIR Doesn't Want You To Know The Truth About Radical Islam

Topics: Understanding Islam

Via Dan Riehl, I see that CAIR is once again "Outraged" - this time in Fla - and they want to shut down the distribution of copies of the movie, Obsession, being distributed in newspapers there. Apparently a few politically correct, highly ill informed, naive papers have refused to include the insert including one in North Carolina. Dan has the links to two videos to YouTube by CAIRtv in which the also obviously politically correct, highly ill-informed, naive newscasters play right into the hands of the Muslim activist group (with a highly dangerous agenda for America) and with proven ties to terrorists.

Dan has posted on the campaign and has done a review of Obsession here.

Now given that CAIR doesn't want you to see the movie and just in case you haven't received a free copy or somehow have failed to see it by now, please watch this 6 part youtube FoxNews film which Lionheart suggests is one of the best and most informative films you will see on the threat we in the civilized World face in relation to Islam's Holy War against us (HT - Lionheart for posting the links to all six parts at YouTube): Fox News:The Threat of Radical Islam (Parts 1 - 6). I was fortunate enough to watch the entire Fox News special at the time of its airing and enjoyed every minute of it. And, of course, E.D. Hill as the announcer, made it all the more effective.

Part 1 - Obsession

Part 2 - Obsession

Part 3 - Obsession

Part 4 - Obsession

Part 5 - Obsession

Part 6 - Obsession

Website: Radical Islam's War against the West

Current related:

Middle East professor says controversial Obsession movie "straightforward" (Via Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch):

Always refreshing to see a member of that bastion of Islamic apologetics -- academia -- actually being objective. More on this story. "Swift dispute, radical Muslims DVD flare scrutiny of Islam," by Chris Casey for the Tribune, September 21:

James Lindsay, an associate professor of Middle Eastern history at CSU, takes an opposite view on "Obsession." He believes it's a straightforward look at radical Islam.

He said the producers are explicit that film is about the radical ideology within Islam, which is advanced by the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida and other groups. The film's introduction states that most Muslims are peaceful and don't support terror.

The militant Islamic branch -- which the film says makes up about 10 percent to 15 percent of a worldwide Muslim population of 1.2 billion, the world's second-largest religion behind Christianity -- has a conquest ideology, Lindsay said.

"It's one of subjugating the world to their ideology. There is not room for another ideology, according to the radical Muslim ideology, and it's frightening," he said. "But it's part and parcel of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the al-Qaida types that they want to impose their will on everyone."[...]

Lindsay, the CSU professor, said the Muslims who flew the airplanes into the Twin Towers felt they were doing God's work.

Muslims who say "jihad" means the struggle for personal betterment aren't giving the full picture of what's written in the classical text, he said. Rather, the text says the Islamic practitioner is preparing himself to be a better warrior.

"The idea of the jihad as laid out by extremists is one of the doctrines within the Quran itself," Lindsay said. "It's a fundamental tenet of Islamic religion and it has been in Islamic history -- engaging in warfare against the enemies of Islam."

Conflicts between the West and Islam are inevitable, Lindsay said, because the demands of Islamic law are in conflict with the West's approach to law and religion. The Quran speaks of creating a society that's obedient to God's law, not obedient to men's model, he said.

Lindsay believes the way to deal with Muslim immigrants -- as in the case of the JBS Swift workers -- is to explain how employment rules and policies operate in the United States. "I have no desire to make any accommodations to Islamic law, and that's my opinion."

Other current related: 15-year-old female would-be suicide bomber tells her story

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MSNBC Bombs in Blogosphere

MSNBC Bombs in (libs) Blogosphere

Washington Post - ‎ 5 hours ago ‎
By Howard Kurtz The decision by MSNBC to yank Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor duty during live political events did not exactly send a thrill up the leg of liberal bloggers. A number of them denounced the cable channel yesterday for ..." class="usg-AFQjCNFzewtCCCIq1210j5irDUlecqHPUA

Monday, September 8, 2008

'Keep Islamic Hope Alive !' - Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory

Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory

newsmax ^ Sep. 08 09
Iranians (Islamic Leaders) Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama Victory Iran’s leadership has expressed “great pleasure” at the prospect of a Barack Obama victory in November, according to Menashe Amir, the Iranian-born head of Radio Israel’s Persian language service. But Iranian President Ahmadinejad has said he doubts that the American establishment “will allow” Obama to win. “One of the Iranian religious leaders said if Obama will enter the White House, then Islam will conquer the heart of the American nation,” Amir told
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Resume Of A Terrorist: Obama's Buddy Ayers

Resume Of A Terrorist: Obama's Buddy Ayers
by Jim Kouri

Sep 2, 2008

While the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC,
NBC, CBS, CNN and other news organizations have their reporters digging for dirt
on Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's choice for vice president, their
savior-in-waiting Barack Obama is getting a free ride at the expense of truth.

It's no secret that the denizens of America's newsrooms want Obama
sitting in the Oval Office, but Americans are being purposely duped by the
Democrat National Committee's volunteer publicists, formerly known as the
mainstream news media.

If it weren't for talk radio and the blogosphere,
even what is known about Obama and his friend, former Weather Underground
domestic terrorist and leader William Ayers, would only be a paragraph or two in
the backpages of most newspapers, or a sentence or two on most TV and radio news

On Friday night, one of America's top talk show hosts -- who
happens to be an attorney and worked in the Reagan Justice Department as chief
of staff -- recited a list of terrorist acts that would elicit envy from Osama
bin Laden. Mark Levin had his listeners glued to their radios or PCs as he read
the resume of a man who should be serving life in prison instead of enjoying a
tenured professorship at a major university and entertaining a possible US
President in his home.

Because of so-called "prosecutorial misconduct"
Ayers escaped what could have been a life-sentence.

As I write this
"resume of a terrorist," I find it difficult to understand how a man who is
running for president of the United States would even know someone as
anti-American and destructive as William Ayers. Plus, Ayers, his wife and their
comrades at the Weather Underground are cop-killers. And Obama doesn't just know
him personally -- he's a close friend with Ayers.

Here is the "resume"
of an American terrorist:

7 October 1969 – Bombing of Haymarket Police
Statue in Chicago, apparently as a "kickoff" for the "Days of Rage" riots in the
city October 8-11, 1969. The Weathermen later claimed credit for the bombing in
their book, "Prairie Fire."

8-11 October 1969 – The "Days of Rage" riots
occur in Chicago in which 287 Weatherman members from throughout the country
were arrested and a large amount of property damage was done.

6 December
1969 – Bombing of several Chicago Police cars parked in a precinct parking lot
at 3600 North Halsted Street, Chicago. The WUO stated in their book "Prairie
Fire" that they had did the explosion.

27-31 December 1969 – Weathermen
hold a "War Council" meeting in Flint, MI, where they finalize their plans to
submerge into an underground status from which they plan to commit strategic
acts of sabotage against the government. Thereafter they are called the "Weather
Underground Organization" (WUO).

13 February 1970 - Bombing of several
police vehicles of the Berkeley, California, Police Department .

16 February 1970 – Bombing of Golden Gate Park branch of the San Francisco Police
Department, killing one officer and injuring a number of other policemen.

6 March 1970 – Bombing in the 13th Police District of the Detroit,
Michigan. 34 sticks of dynamite are discovered. During February and early March,
1970, members of the WUO, led by Bill Ayers, are reported to be in Detroit,
during that period, for the purpose of bombing a police facility.

6 March 1970 – "bomb factory" located in New York's Greenwich Village accidentally
explodes. WUO members die . The bomb was intended to be planted at a
non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed
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